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I am a toddler.

If we are breastfeeding, I still may want to nurse daily or just a few times per week. Breast milk still protects me from germs and is nutritious. Breastfeeding helps you stay healthy too, mom!

When it’s time for me to wean, patience is best. Think of another activity we can do – like reading a book, so we still have that special time together.

I learn when we EAT TOGETHER.

Family meals help me grow in many ways. I learn language skills, social skills, and I eat better when we eat together. Let’s eat family meals together as often as possible.

Here are some ways to make family meals relaxing and enjoyable:

  • Have me wash my hands before I eat. I should use a fork and a spoon, but sometimes I still use my fingers.
  • Take a break from screens and other distractions so we can focus on the family. Turn off TVs, computers, and phones.
  • Allow me to serve myself. Teach me to take small amounts at first. Let me know I can have more if I am still hungry.
  • Talk with me about positive or neutral topics like what I did, who I talked with, and what I learned that day.
  • Let me eat at my own pace and in my own way. Please be patient with me.
  • I do better with a routine and with limits. Offer meals and snacks every 2-3 hours at about the same times every day. I do best when I have choices. For example, at snack time you could ask me “would you like peaches or strawberries?”.
  • Water is all I need between meals and snacks. A small amount of juice is fine but no more than 4 ounces a day.

Teach me how to behave at the table.

  • Give me simple, clear rules that work for you and me. Have me sit for meals and snacks. If I start walking around, snack or meal time should be over. If I fuss, let me know when my next meal will be. Be consistent with rules so I know what to expect.
  • Learning to eat can be messy, but don’t allow me to make messes on purpose. I should not throw food or dump it on the floor. If I do these things, I am probably not hungry and should be excused from the table.
family eating

Below are examples of meal/snack ideas and portion sizes to serve on my plate.

Here’s what my BREAKFAST might look like...

¼ cup chopped peaches
½ cup low-fat milk
Breakfast Dish
1 slice, cut up whole grain French toast

Here’s what my SNACKS might look like...

½ cup dry cereal

with ½ cup low-fat milk

½ cup sliced bell pepper
snack Dish
¼ cup crushed pineapple

with ½ cup low-fat yogurt

water between meals and snacks

Here’s what my LUNCH might look like...

¼ cup chopped blueberries
½ cup cooked, chopped carrots
Lunch Dish
¼ quesadilla

with cheese

½ cup water
2 tablespoons baked, chopped chicken

Here’s what my DINNER might look like...

1 medium wedge, cut up melon
½ cup low-fat milk
½ cup cooked, cut up zucchini
dinner Dish
½ cup cooked brown rice
¼ cup cooked black beans

Daily Suggested Food Group Amounts


2 servings a day

1 serving = ½ cup

(1 cup total)

Cooked or soft, raw fruit.

Mashed, sliced, or chopped.

Offer a variety: red, yellow,
orange, blue, and green.


3 servings a day

1 serving = ½ cup

(1½ cup total)

Raw or cooked, mashed, sliced, or chopped veggies.

Offer a variety: dark green,
orange, red, yellow, and purple.


6 servings a day

1 serving = ½ ounce

(3 ounces total)

Whole grain bread, tortillas, rice, or noodles.

Dry or cooked cereal.


2 servings a day

1 serving = 1 ounce

(2 ounces total)

Cooked, chopped meat, poultry, or fish.


Cooked beans, peas, or tofu.

Peanut butter.


4 servings a day
1 serving = ½ cup
(2 cups total)

Breast milk (at breast or
expressed) or low-fat milk.



Look what I can do! Bulb

  • I can run and play with others. Let’s be active together for 30-60 minutes every day.
  • I can help with simple chores, like putting toys away. Please tell me I’m doing a good job!
  • I learn a lot from messy play. I can mix, pour, stir, and make shapes. Let me explore sand, clay, and water play.
  • I love to sing. Teach me songs like “Old McDonald” and “The Wheels on the Bus.”
  • When we read together, I may start to read to you or tell you a story with the pictures in the book.

Keep me Safe and Healthy. Heart

I will see my doctor less often now, but regular checks-ups are still important. My next visit at the doctor will be when I’m 3 years old.

Help me brush my teeth at least twice a day with a small, soft toothbrush and smear of toothpaste. Teach me how to spit out the toothpaste. I should see the dentist every 6 months to keep my teeth healthy.

We need to wash our hands often. Teach me how to wash my hands with warm water and soap. I need to wash them for at least 20 seconds.

Keep harmful things out of my reach such as hot pots and pans, batteries, medicines, detergents, and anything I could choke on.

Be with young children during screen time and interact with them. Remember to schedule plenty of non-screen time into my day.

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