 3½ to 4 Years


I’m growing up strong.

If we are breastfeeding, I still may want to nurse daily or just a few times per week. Breast milk still protects me from germs and is nutritious. Breastfeeding helps you stay healthy too, mom!

When it’s time for me to wean, patience is best. Think of another activity we can do – like reading a book, so we still have that special time together.

Thank you for helping me LEARN HOW TO STAY HEALTHY.

I will soon be 5 years old, but I still have plenty of growing to do. Help me keep my body healthy.

  • Teach me how to choose healthy foods. Soon I will go to school where I must make choices. If my friends ask, I can tell them why I choose the foods I do.
  • Help me learn to balance foods. If I eat ice cream, teach me to top it with fresh strawberries, not chocolate syrup.
  • Let’s try a new food once a week. We can add color to our meals with many green, red, yellow, and blue fruits and vegetables.
  • I want to turn off the TV and play. We can dance to the music, play catch, or take a walk (even inside). Let’s pretend. I can be a bird and flap my wings, or I can run like a horse.

It is hard to think or listen when I’m hungry. Eating breakfast gives me energy to learn. Let’s plan breakfast together. We can set the table with a box of cereal, bowls, and spoons. In the morning, we can get out the milk and fruit. Breakfast can be easy!

Below are examples of meal/snack ideas and portion sizes to serve on my plate.

Here’s what my BREAKFAST might look like...

1 small sliced banana
½ cup water
Breakfast Dish
1 cup whole grain cereal
with 1 cup low-fat milk

Here’s what my SNACKS might look like...

2 squares graham cracker

½ cup diced strawberries

with ½ cup low-fat yogurt

snack Dish
5 small, sliced carrots

with ¼ cup chickpea hummus

water between meals and snacks

Here’s what my LUNCH might look like...

½ sliced orange
½ cup water
½ cup cut up cucumber
Lunch Dish
2 slices whole grain bread
with 2 tablespoons peanut butter
with 1 tablespoon fruit jam

Here’s what my DINNER might look like...

1 small oatmeal cookie

with raisins

1 cup mixed, green salad with 1 tablespoon dressing
dinner Dish
1 whole grain roll
1 cup low-fat milk
3 tablespoons baked, chopped chicken

Daily Suggested Food Group Amounts


3 servings a day
1 serving = ½ cup
(1½ cup total)

Cooked or soft, raw fruit.

Mashed, sliced, or chopped.

Offer a variety: red, yellow,
orange, blue, and green.


3 servings a day
1 serving = ½ cup
(1½ cup total)

Mashed, sliced, or
chopped veggies.

Offer a variety: dark green,
orange, red, yellow, and purple.


8-10 servings a day
1 serving = ½ ounce
(4-5 ounces total)

Whole grain bread, tortillas, rice, or noodles.

Dry or cooked cereal.


3-5 servings a day
1 serving = 1 ounce
(3-5 ounces total)

Cooked lean meat, poultry, or seafood.


Cooked beans, peas, or tofu.

Peanut butter.


5-6 servings a day
1 serving = ½ cup
(2½-3 cups total)

Breast milk (at breast or
expressed) or low-fat milk.



Look what I can do! Bulb

  • I can eat with a fork and spoon and wipe my mouth and hands with a napkin.
  • I love to draw and make things. Let’s make a picture with the food groups on it.
  • I love to read with you. Let’s walk to the library and get some books.
  • I can take turns. Let’s play follow the leader!
  • I can help. I will set the table for dinner and wipe it off after we eat.
Keep me Safe and Healthy

Keep me Safe and Healthy Heart

Remind me to brush and floss my teeth every day. I should see the dentist every 6 months to keep my teeth healthy.

Washing our hands helps us stay healthy. We should wash them often, especially before meals, for at least 20 seconds with warm water and soap.

I need simple rules. Set limits on when, where, and how often we have screen time. Talk about what I’m learning as we watch together and keep me safe from what I shouldn’t see. Let’s focus on each other during meals and snacks, not a screen.

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